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Electric Vehicle (EV) Car Buying- The Road Ahead!

Electric Vehicle (EV) Car Buying- The Road Ahead!

Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular around the world, but Australia is lagging in terms of adoption. According to recent research, most potential buyers in Australia find the high price barrier a significant disincentive to purchasing and making the switch from petrol engines. In addition, Australia currently only has 30 out of 300 EVs available worldwide, which limits consumer choice and keeps prices high in the Australian market. To encourage more people to switch to EVs, better government incentives are required. One example of such incentives is the recent announcement by the Queensland government, which has introduced Australia’s biggest electric-car subsidy. Eligible motorists in Queensland can now apply for a $6000 rebate on the purchase of any new sub-$68,000…

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Smart Tips To Help You Find The Perfect Car

Smart Tips To Help You Find The Perfect Car

Buying a car isn’t a decision that should be taken lightly. A vehicle is a very important purchase and a significant outlay that can either bring you lots of joy and comfort or cause you a lot of frustration and agony. There are a lot of great quality vehicles to choose from in these modern times. But making the final decision when you have so many different options can be a very challenging task.  So how do you choose the right car? Here are a couple of tips that can help narrow things down and help you find a suitable ride. Assess Your Needs This is one of the most important factors to consider when you are buying a new…

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4 Things To Avoid When Buying A Used Car

4 Things To Avoid When Buying A Used Car

For many people, buying a brand-new car is quite a fruitless expedition. Brand-new vehicles can lose up to 20% of their value within just one year and their value can drop significantly within the first four years.  The used car market can be a terrific industry to dip into if you cannot afford something brand new or if you want a little bit more value for your money. Buying used can, however, be quite a head scratcher because there are so many pitfalls that you need to be aware of and manage. Risk management is a key aspect you need to consider when looking to purchase a used car. In this guide, we are going to take a peek at…

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