Why Use a Car Buying Advocate?



The new and used Australian car market is represented by over 50 plus manufacturers, with a multitude of models continually changing with many different features, safety, options and running costs to consider.

Trying to work out for yourself what is the best car to buy can be daunting and confusing. As a result, many people end up buying the wrong car that doesn’t actually suit all their needs.

Our Client Advocate has a vast knowledge and ability to really understand the car market. The models, features, pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages, enabling him to help clients identify their car needs, simplifying and clarifying their car buying decision.

Why are we different from a Broker?

Most brokers are only interested in getting you a new car. You tell them the car and they make their money through a quick turnover with spotter fees from dealers.

We’re different. We really try and understand the needs of our client first.

Client Advocate helps clients identify their car needs and matches them with the Right Car at the Right Price.

​New and used cars, we match our clients’ needs and source the right car from a dealer or the private market, whichever is the best outcome for them.

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