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The Best and Easiest Way to Buy a Car in 2024

The Best and Easiest Way to Buy a Car in 2024

Shopping methods for clothes, accessories, and just about everything else have changed a lot over the past decade. So why haven’t our vehicle shopping methods adapted just yet?  Most people are still following the same traditional method to acquire a new car. You spend hours scouring through scales of available vehicles until your mind is reeling with the endless options. After being blown away by choice options, you decide on a car (some might even flip a coin to help speed up the decision-making process). A quick test drive follows and then you are heading out to the office to get the paperwork signed. The result of this type of purchase method? Most people end up with a car that…

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Best Car Types For Larger Families Of Five And More

Best Car Types For Larger Families Of Five And More

Accommodating a large family of five or more on a trip can be quite a challenge, especially if each family member also has to take along some luggage, school bags, or sports gear. For bigger families, it is usually best to have a vehicle with enough seats and a large capacity cubby. Often, having the 7 seat option, even if it is used less frequently, can give additional flexibility to families. Times when grandparents come along for the ride or school, sport pickups with additional children being transported.It can also be good to find a vehicle with modern features like climate control since these extras can help eliminate a lot of sibling disputes.  Let’s take a look at some of…

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Can You Buy A Car Online? (Plus Expert Advice From Buying Advocates)

Can You Buy A Car Online? (Plus Expert Advice From Buying Advocates)

Online shopping has become a normal buying method that we rely on for anything that might not be readily available. It is also quite fun to scour the web for goodies like gifts, clothes, and homeware items.  If you love the thrill of online shopping then you might wonder about the possibility of buying a vehicle online. Is it possible to buy a car online? And how do you steer clear of scammers when shopping online? Our car-buying advocates have the best advice. Can You Safely Buy A Car Online? The simple answer is, yes, you can buy a car online. The safety of these types of purchasing methods is, however, a whole different story.  Retail online shopping has been…

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