Buying a new car can be a very exciting experience, but one thing you may have to think about is what to do with your old vehicle. You may not want two cars and you may need to sell your older vehicle quickly to make room for the new one. Perhaps you are not getting a new vehicle and simply want to sell your car to make some cash and help you financially. Whatever the reason, it can really help to have professional assistance when it comes to selling your vehicle.
Potential hidden pitfalls of selling a car yourself
The car-selling process can be a frustrating, stressful, and time-consuming process if you try to handle it all yourself. Dealing with potential buyers can make people uncomfortable when selling a car. As a seller you may have previously had a bad experience with aggressive buyers and time wasters. There may be privacy issues with people coming to one’s home. Some people may not be good negotiators and find that aspect of the selling process very stressful. Lost time on weekends waiting for potential buyers that don’t show up.
Social media advances means a lot of people no longer ring you directly to make an inquiry. Many potential buyers now reply to you online without identifying themselves and can make low ball offers. You may not know who you are dealing with as a seller? Are they a car dealer, wholesaler, private buyer or are they potentially an online scammer?
Understanding the various selling obligations and legal requirements such as VicRoads requirements or similar interstate authorities if an interstate buyer is involved. Road Worthy Certificates obligations of a seller, deposit and final contracts, taking a deposit, the most secure methods of payment, refund obligations, dealing with Lease finance payouts and legal title can be overwhelming to consider and deal with for an infrequent seller.
Working out what is the correct selling price of your car for its age, condition and extra options can be confusing if you haven’t sold a car privately before. What are the best websites to sell your car on? What should you do to prepare your car for sale? Should you fix mechanical and body damage before you put it up for sale? Is there a point that you might overcapitalise spending money on repairs on your car? How many and type photos should you take to make a really good Ad? What should you tell the potential buyer about the car in the Ad? What records should you prepare for sale?
These are just some of the main issues to consider when thinking about selling your car privately on the market. When selling a car you are in a competition to attract a potential buyer. You want them to come see your car before someone else. Therefore to maximise your chances of selling your car quickly and at the best price you need to be well prepared and consider all these things.
Fortunately, there are professionals that can provide assistance when it comes to selling your vehicle, and they can deal with all aspects of the sale for you to save you time, hassle, and stress. This can also help to speed up the sale and ensure you get a decent price for your vehicle. Some of the things to consider when looking for a professional car advocate or broker to help you with your sale include:
The Track Record
One of the things you need to consider is the experience levels and the track record of the provider, as you should find one with the necessary expertise and resources to secure a speedy sale successfully. So, make sure you look at the provider’s history and consider factors such as how long they have been offering the service. Also, try to get an idea of the average time to secure a sale from the provider, as this will enable you to get a better idea of how long it will take to sell your vehicle.
What Is Offered
You also need to look at exactly what is offered as part of the package from the provider, as this can vary depending on your choice. See how comprehensive the package is and what processes they use to try and sell your vehicle. Some providers may offer different packages at various price points, so you may need to make a choice based on your needs and your budget.
Online Reputation
Another of the things you need to look at is the online reputation of the provider, as this will make it easier for you to make your choice. Looking at reviews from other people who have sold their vehicles through the same company will give you a better idea of what to expect. This then means you can make an informed decision about the provider you choose to sell your old car.
Consider looking at the provider’s website, Google My Business reviews, read any testimonials of other people’s selling or buying experiences with them. Ultimately, if you engage them they will represent you to the potential buyer and the way they deal with people and the processes they have in place make it a good experience for both buyer and seller.
Costs Involved
One more thing you should consider is the cost of the service, as you need to ensure you do not pay over the odds. Make sure you look at pricing and affordability, but also consider what you get for your money and what the reputation of the provider is like.
Let Us Help
If you want professional help to sell your car with speed and efficiency, contact the experts at My Next Car Buying Advocacy. We will be happy to provide you with more information and a quote, and we offer a professional and reliable service.